All three were written on March 26, 2009.
From an email to Michael on that date: “I have attached humor I penned recently. I especially like the ‘No Worries’ – the source of inspiration for it being an actual retirement ad I spied in todays paper.”
Dead, black eyes stare up at me.
Springtime and road kill
Seasonal commute.
There is No Dick
There is no Dick!
The man we have thought Dick Morris
Whom everybody called Les
is his cousin, George Morris, of Nova Scotia
who, it seems, always resembled Dick
but was a little shorter.
Dick Morris died of yellow fever thirteen years ago
In Cuba.
No Worries
I won’t worry about my retirement today.
Or tomorrow.
As a matter of fact…I rarely worry about anything!
Worrying is a thing of the past and there is no past
Since moving to La Memorabilia Glen
I enjoy a healthy lifestyle in beautiful surroundings
With impeccable services, fine dining and
Entertaining social activities
I have peace of mind knowing that my future
Is protected with Twelve-Star* on-site memory support.
Every day is the first day of a wonderful retirement here –
In La Memorabilia Glen –
Worry? Not me! My future is secure and yours can be too!
What are you waiting for? Call today toll-free at
888-834-1774 and learn how to live worry-free at
La Memorabilia Glen.